ambrose at wmcat

b. 1986, HK.



I began my career as a Graphic Design apprentice in 2015. This was at the first social enterprise of West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology (WMCAT). My main responsibilities included working with customers to design and/or reformat their graphics for the screen printing process. I was eventually hired on as the Lead Graphic Designer. For a time, I was the only graphic designer, but whose counting? The position grew to include customer service, marketing, and mentoring responsibilities as well.

Ever work at a non-profit? If you have, you know that it takes patience, good communication skills, and the ability to wear many hats--sometimes all at once. I worked directly with local community group leaders, other non-profits, and companies to design apparel and visual communication tools for different fundraising, awareness, and community events. In addition to that, I advised WMCAT on various in-house branding and marketing collateral.

Below is a sampling of work I did over the years.


Sharks, Crosstown Throwdown Dodgeball League
5x5 Night, Start Garden, Event Poster
WMCAMP, West Michigan Center for Arts and Technology, Retreat T-shirt, 2018
Max’s Bar Mitzvah, Live Screen-Printing Event
Family Reunion, T-shirt
Steelcase, System Process Infographic
Church Mission Trip, T-shirt
Northview Field School, T-shirt