neogen corporation



NEOGEN Corporation

NEOGEN Corporation provides solutions and services for food safety, animal safety, genomics, life sciences, and microbiology for the food processing and agricultural industries. Founded in 1982, the multi-million dollar bio-tech company has succeeded on reputation alone. In order to take it to that next level, the members of my team and I were brought on to help usher the look of the company into the twenty-first century. This includes standardizing the look and feel of sales materials, trade shows, social media, and advertising campaigns in order to create a cohesive, modern experience.

Corporate Brochure and timeline

Corporate Brochure and timeline

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Igenity Canine Wellness

As a supplier of Igenity Canine Welless DNA kits, the marketing team at NEOGEN was looking to build better brand recognition. Originally offered under a different company name, the look and experience of the Igenity Canine Wellness offering was in no way reminiscent of its parent company. In addition to that, there were inconsistent uses of graphics, colors, logos within the previously established brand experience.  

The project objectives included:  Creation of a user experience that reflects the brand essence of canine wellness (while remaining within the parent NEOGEN brand), attract veterinarians and pet parents in an initial launch campaign for early adoption, and to create an easy online platform for sample submissions. Geared primarily towards veterinarians, the team worked with user testers within the field to validate our designs and overall user experience.  

Working with the product owners and within the NEOGEN brand objectives, I developed the overall brand standards for Igenity Canine Wellness. A mixture of soft photography and playful scientific illustrations, the new experience is as approachable as it is informative. The first major campaign I championed at NEOGEN, this project will always be near and dear to my heart.

Pet Parent Brochure

Pet Parent Brochure

DNA Test Results

DNA Test Results

Technical Vet Flyer

Technical Vet Flyer

DNA Collection Kit Box

DNA Collection Kit Box

Sample Collection Instructions

Sample Collection Instructions

Social Media Ad

Social Media Ad

Promotional Stickers

Promotional Stickers

Promotional Mug

Promotional Mug


Website Pages



Cookie box giveaway and food safety advertisements

Cookie box giveaway and food safety advertisements

NEOGEN Employee Anniversary Awards

NEOGEN Employee Anniversary Awards



Pocket Guide take home piece. Check out the full version on

Pocket Guide take home piece. Check out the full version on

Pocket .gif
Genomics Flyer

Genomics Flyer

Food Safety Brochure

Food Safety Brochure

Food Safety Product Flyer

Food Safety Product Flyer

Ebooks. Check out the Mycotoxin Guide and Microbiology Guide on

Ebooks. Check out the Mycotoxin Guide and Microbiology Guide on



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Internal Mural Design

Internal Mural Design

Product Pattern

Product Pattern


Over the course of my time at NEOGEN, my largest contribution to the company’s overall rebrand was through the addition of illustration. I created the standard look and style for the various use cases of full color, monochromatic, and line art illustrations and icons across multiple mediums.



Internal Mural Design

Internal Mural Design

Coloring Pages for Social Media Competition

Coloring Pages for Social Media Competition

Internal Halloween Poster - Showcases custom illustrations of the prime Lansing, MI NEOGEN locations.

Internal Halloween Poster - Showcases custom illustrations of the prime Lansing, MI NEOGEN locations.

Global Customer Holiday Cards

Global Customer Holiday Cards

NEOGEN China - Social Media Post

NEOGEN China - Social Media Post

5iˢ is the internal new idea initiative that allows anyone from the corporation to bring innovative new offerings or products to the company. I was entrusted with redressing the existing logo to new brand standards and creating various internal marketing pieces. Collaborated with our video production team to create a series of videos that explained each of the five steps: Ideation, Intuition, Introduction, Incorporation, Implementation.

5iˢ Guide

5iˢ Guide

5iˢ Video

5iˢ Video

5iˢ Artwork

5iˢ Artwork

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Trade shows

National and abroad, the greater NEOGEN salesforce take a part in various animal and food safety conferences around the world. With those come the need for engaging. informative, and approachable booth graphics.
The pieces I worked on weren’t always in English, but they just added to the fun challenge.

Dairy Expo - China

Dairy Expo - China

Animal Husbandry Expo - Australia

Animal Husbandry Expo - Australia

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Animal Husbandry Expo - China

Animal Husbandry Expo - China

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